Books Wanted

Sunday, October 6, 2013

(from top left-bottom right)
I am planning to buy some books for welcoming my "twenty two", wohoo! Well honestly I want MORE than these, but I cannot remember the title of the books. I should make a list later whenever I am stumbling in a bookstore. I just realized when I'm writing this, the books I posted above are actually related each other. Two books are about "growing up" things and the others are about happiness (fun facts). Anyway, "This is What Happy Looks Like" is a novel.

So, how was your half-Sunday? Mine was pretty good. Sunday is a perfect day for me to press pause after work-days. I can watch movies, I can do a little exercises and the most of it, I can eat everything I want.
By the way, last Wednesday Mymorningroutine tweeted me that my morning routine finally up on the website! It's really weird but yet fascinating they introduced me as a writer and so entrepreneur. Wow. You can read the article right here, not really different with the one I wrote here before. Thank you so much before if you click the link and read it (: 

Happy Sunday everyone and don't forget, stay awesome!

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