Wait guys, did I just make a post about my birthday here? Oh, wait... it was last year! And now I am twenty three!
Time flies reallyyy fast when you're enjoying every minute of it. There were plenty of memories and surprises since the beginning of 2014, now we're closer to a new year again (like two months to go!). My birthday this year was kinda special. Yesterday it's Jesrisoles first time joined a local event at Kuta Beach. I was in charge to take care of our booth for whole day. The night before my birthday I was so grumpy, later I knew that I got PMS (yes, girl. I was dealing with PMS, on my birthday, how cool is that). It was really exhausting day, but I can't stop smiling receieved birthday messages from friends at the same time (thank you guys for the wishes!), plus, I earned some money on my birthday, ehehehe. Long story short, the event went pretty well, I got a chance to meet some new local friends too (thanks for coming by yesterday friends!), and also enjoying a beautiful sunset scenery! I was so thankful for a dear helping partner yesterday on the event, Nini! She's a really nice person. We just met each other on that day and we had a nice conversation. Thank you so much Nini for your help, we couldn't make it without you!
Thank you so much Nini, you are such a great partner!
It was almost 11:00pm when we arrived at home. My mom picked me up and I found she bought a cheese cake for me! Despite of the tiredness, I was very happy because a birthday cake was on my lap and can't wait to eat it up! We didn't have time to cute the cake and blow the candles yesterday, so I just blew the candles today! I was very happy, my belly is the happiest one.
The... best... cheese cake... EVER! The bottom part is brownie cake!
Well, I have something to say actually, I even have the draft post that I wrote a week before haha. I was planning to post it on my birthday. But I changed my mind to save it for another right time. It's a story that deserve to be told. I'll give you a hint: Something that I decided to make it official. Aha, you guys probably guess what it is already? No? Please staying here with me for the next story. Have a great Sunday everyone, stay awesome!