Edisi Jalan-Jalan Random (Ubud & Uluwatu & Nusa Dua)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Here you go some pictures from my short "trip" last week.

Sejak minggu lalu, hujan turun hampir setiap hari dan langit nggak secerah biasanya. Begitu hari ini nggak hujan, cuaca langsung berubah drastis, alias so hot, mennnn!

Mumpung pacar lagi berkunjung, jadilah kami trip ala-ala ke Ubud untuk makan dan ngopi santai. Ceritanya kami kepengen act like a local gitu di Ubud. Tapi penampilan kurang mendukung, tiap kali papasan dengan bli-bli yang duduk di pinggir jalan, malah dipanggil "Ni hao, miss. Hotel? Tour guide?". Terus, yang dikunjungi Bebek Bengil lagi Bebek bengil lagi. Kurang "turis" apalagi tuh?

Shoe Talk

Friday, March 13, 2015

[Sponsored Post]

Since we decided to start VFeetShoes, me and boyfriend have a longgg thought (and become our dream too!) to start our own shoeline.

Selama lima bulan ngejalanin online shop kecil-kecilan ini, aku baru sadar ngerjain bisnis apapun nggak ada yang gampang. VFeetShoes sekarang kayak batu loncatan sih buat plan ke depannya nanti. Aku kan nggak tau apa-apa soal sepatu, gimana bikinnya, bahan dan komponen sepatu tuh kayak apa, dll. Jadi ceritanya belakangan ini lagi berusaha mempelajari itu semua. Walaupun ini sesuatu yang baru dan sulit, aku enjoy aja ngerjainnya. Kan katanya kalau ngerjain sesuatu yang kita suka, ya pasti seneng-seneng aja ya (ciyeee).

Oya, sering ada yang nanya kenapa aku cuman jualan flat shoes, nggak heels atau wedges, jawabannya satu: I'm a hardcore fan of flat shoes. Menurutku, sampai kapan pun cewek butuh flats, di samping mereka suka banget pake model sepatu lainnya.

Nggak tau tepatnya sejak kapan aku suka banget pake flat shoes. Buat tomboy insaf kayak aku, pake flat shoes untuk sehari-hari sudah menjadi perubahan besar, dibandingkan harus langsung pake heels. Apalagi sejak The Little Things She Needs mulai masuk ke pasar Indonesia. Pertamanya aku bingung, ini kok nama brand-nya lucu banget, dan begitu tau kalau mereka khusus jualan flat shoes, aku langsung kayak nemu surga dunia hahaha. 

Koleksi model dan warna sepatu TLTSN beragam banget. Dan yang paling aku suka, flat shoes TLTSN bisa dipakai dalam berbagai acara. Inget banget pas kuliah di Guang Zhou dulu, tiap pulang Indonesia pas liburan musim panas, pasti borong flats di TLTSN buat dipake di sana untuk pergi kuliah dan jalan-jalan. 

Nah sekarang kalau mau beli flats The Little Things She Needs, bisa langsung di website Zalora Indonesia nih. Tinggal pilih model yang kamu taksir, habis itu flat shoes-nya langsung dianter ke rumahmu. Praktis banget! Kebetulan aku lagi pengen beli flat shoes, dan ini beberapa pilihanku di Zalora. Please help ladies, can't decide! 

Nggak tau ya, buatku sih flat shoes itu bener-bener kayak gadget sahabat yang setia nemenin aku ke manapun. Saking sukanya, si pacar suka komentar, "Sekali-kali pake heels dong!". Lucky me, TLTSN punya koleksi wedges dan platform shoes juga, and this is my favorite one, what do you think?

Malem-malem window shopping di Zalora bukan ide yang tepat, mending lanjut besok hahaha.

I'm working on a little post about my "holiday" trip with Andreas while he spent days here. Some pictures will be coming up soon on this blog. Happy weekend everyone and stay awesome!

A Glimpse of My Childhood Dreams

Friday, March 6, 2015

It has been raining for wholeeeee day, non-stop from last night till tonight here. Feeling to write a post and I found this draft. My dear friend Sastika has tagged me to do this post. I thought it's gonna be fun (and nice) to reminisce about our childhood days. So here is a glimpse of my childhood dreams. Oh and here you can read the blogpost by Sas.

1. To be a cashier at a supermarket.
This is so silly, but you might to know this little story. When I was a kid, maybe around five or six, Mr. Santa in my school gave me a Christmas present (which was I knew later that actually from my Mom LOL), is a toy cashier register. It's cutee and colorful! The mini-me was jumping around the house and couldn't wait to play with it. The toy machine comes with fake money and as I remembered, every day after school I was looking forward to playing with it. I was always in charge to be the cashier and my Mom was the customer. Fast forward to adult-me, did it really happen? Well, yes, but no in the supermarket. When I was working in Starbucks, I (finally) learned how to work with the real register machine. Of course, I was dealing with real money too. And fyi, it's touchscreen!

2. To be a pianist.
Isn't it funny when you wanted to be something when you were little kid, but as you grew older you realized that's not going to happen? I've been playing piano since I was six, or maybe seven. I thought piano is going to be fun, and yes it was really fun until I had my first Royal exam. I got a pretty good score for my theory exam, but failed for my practical exam (I took for sixth grade). That time, I was exactly sure that I was not going to be a pianist. I should say I'm a "penikmat musik klasik" (my favorite composer is Chopin) and  playing piano is one of mood therapy. Thinking about that I can't memorize any classic pieces when you ask me to play, yes I was not born to be a pianist. It feels like I'd been wasting my parents' money for more than 10 years haha. But no regret at all. At least I can read music notes *proud*

Oh anyway, I'll show you my Royal exam certificate that I always have been proud of. 

3. To work at McDonald's. 
When I heard one of my friend got a part-time job at McDonald's when he studied abroad in Melbourne, I was like, "I wanted too!". I imagined myself making burgers, pouring cola, making ice cream, frying those chicken wings, hmmmmmm. The dream was about to happen when my parents suddenly bought us (me and brother) a McDonald's play set. It was one of my favoriteeeee childhood memories and I believe that day was my best day ever. Okay, some of you might wondering what kind of McDonald's play set? Let me show you, this picture I got from Google of course. 

 Mine was the left one

Basically, you can make your own "burger" from this snack maker, as the box said "make delicious snacks you can eat and drink that look like McDonald's Happy Meals!". I remembered we used marie regal biscuits as the burger buns hahaha. This was really fun I tell you. But again, I happen not to work for McDonald's and it's funny too that I like McDonald's iced coffee rather than its fried chicken :D

4. To be a writer/novelist.
Well, maybe this is the more realistic dream that I'm still on the way to pursue it hehehe. Every time the question "what do you want to be in the future" popped out, I simply answered "silently"... I want to be a writer. You know, I can imagine myself in ten years later, when I'm going to be a mother and wife, I'm going to be a writer too. I'm totally fine if someday I have to work from home, take care of my family and sit for whole day working for my upcoming book. It just like really okay, because this is what I want. But yeah again, you can't just want something without doing something to make it happen, right? So, let's work work!

Looking back those childhood memories, I found that the little me back then was very blessed. I really had that "masa kecil sangat bahagia" moment. We can't be young in age anymore and we couldn't be back to our childhood, but we can keep that "spirit" stay in our heart. Being an adult is another blessing, because hey we're all growing up. Though most of the time we easily feel unsure with our capability or afraid to take risks, I tell you my friend it's okay. The last chapter of a book that I'd read recently, Travel Young by my favorite girl Alanda Kariza, she said, 

"Stop over-thinking. Start enjoying the ride. Live in the moment." 

Just let your inner child stays in your heart (:

Random Questions Before Bed

Monday, March 2, 2015

1. What is your current obssesion? 
Zumba class! 

2. What is your weirdest obsession? 
I don't think I have one.

3. What are you wearing today? 
For now, I'm just wearing comfy pajamas and I'm ready for bed after this. 

4. What's for dinner today?
Samchan kecap and telor balado. All homemade by masterchef Mom *mouthwatering*

5. Why is today special?
Because today is Monday, everything is new to begin with, 

6. What would you like to learn to do?

7. What's the last thing you bought? 

8. What are you listening to right now?
"My Lady" - EXO

9. What is your favorite weather? 
First, I'm glad that I had chance to experience in four-seasons country, yihaaa! My favorite would be fall season. The weather is completely warm and everything is going in neutral colors (like my stocking, my jacket and the leaves). 

10. What is your most challenging goal right now? 
That would be a secret for now. Hehehe 

11. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? 
Hmmm, somewhere near to Starbucks or supermarket? :P

12. What would you like to have in your hands right now? 
Grass jelly milk tea from Chatime! *slurppppp*

13. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? 
Hong Kong or Taiwan. Ah, imagine myself having pineapple bun and iced milk tea for breakfast in the morning. Hmmm...

14. Which language do you want to learn?
English, with british accent and its slang vocabs! 

15. What do you look for in a friend? 
Loyalty and honesty. 

16. Who do you want to meet in person?
Diana Rikasari, because I have been reading too much of her old blogposts recently. I couldn't get rid of her! Why someone has to be so bubbly and positive like her? 

17. What's your favorite type of music? 
K-pop, is that a type of music? Oh or you mean something like... jazz? classic? Yes I love them too. 

18. What is your dream job? 

19. If you had $100 now what would you spend it on? 
Books? :D 

20. Do you love your life? 