"Ladies First: Apakah Perempuan Memang Harus Selalu Didahulukan?"

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Still don't have any ideas what to write next, so I decided to share this interesting article. Rasanya sayang aja kalau artikel ini nggak di-share di sini. Artikel ini berisi tentang a man's personal thought about "ladies first". Mata langsung melek lebar-lebar begitu baca tulisan ini, rasanya jadi bersalah juga sempet suka ngomong "ladies first" sebagai 'tameng'-nya perempuan (dalam kurung perempuan Indonesia) LOL. Anyway, baik cewek atau cowok boleh banget baca artikel ini. Enjoy this article and have a great weekend. Stay awesome!

Our Wedding Tips: 5 Things To Discuss Before Getting Married

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

 Credit to Livello Asia for Andreas & Jane

Masih dalam suasana persiapan the wedding of Andreas and Jane, aku memutuskan untuk membuat blog post ini. Persiapan pernikahan ini udah berjalan selama setahun, dan sepanjang persiapan ini, nggak jarang kami menemukan beberapa hal yang sangat aku syukuri boleh terjadi. Ada beberapa hal penting yang menurut kami harus didiskusikan dengan pasangan sebelum menikah. Begitu mendapat ide untuk menulis ini, aku teringat Kak Alodita pernah menulis topik yang sama. If you're ready to get married, you also have to be ready to talk about this with your partner.

Berikut lima hal penting yang wajib didiskusikan sebelum menikah:

What I Am Looking Forward To

Friday, May 15, 2015

 Source: Pinterest

1. The wedding. Believe it or not, the wedding is five months ahead and I am feeling super bizarre lately. The preparation so far has been well (and I am gonna share the details soon on the blog!). Now I'm dealing with the on-process invitations design and looking for suitable wedding souvenirs. Any ideas, ladies?

2. Honeymoon planning. Andreas and me finally got a chance to search for some places to go for our honeymoon. Honeymoon is another exciting (yet important) thing to plan after the wedding. Every married couple deserves a peaceful honeymoon after the big day. We decided to go somewhere already, wish us luck to get those best-deal tickets!

Anyway, this was happening yesterday:

A: Let's go London for honeymoon!
A: Pengen liat royal baby nih. *screencapstiketsupermahalkelondon*
J: Aku sih nggak masalah ke London (dalam hati: mau dong!), tapi habis pulang honeymoon kamu siap ya makan nasi putih sama tahu tempe. No sushi date for months. Gimana? (dalem hati lagi: lumayan duitnya nabung buat nyicil rumah)
A: Nggak jadi deh. 

Introducing, my future husband, ladies.

3. A project I am currently doing. It's something that is definitely challenging but I just love the opportunity to be able to learn something new. The main idea was coming from my mom, but I am 100% in charge of this project. Can't wait to share updates with you in the future!

4. Plans after married. The most popular question asked by mom and dad. I'm guessing they are quite worried about my life after marriage because I'm gonna move again from this beautiful island to another city. There are some plans I would like to do but still looking for other opportunities to try. Adult life is never easy, I guess?

The whole post today is all about wedding-related, that's pretty normal for me right? Because I have nothing to think or care about except for the whole wedding planning things, well besides my jobs and other activities. I'm proud can say that I'm more confident about my own wedding. Just hope everything is gonna be fine till the big day. Stay awesome people! 

Eat in Bali: Chicken Run

Friday, May 8, 2015

Hey guys, how's your Friday so far? I hope everything is going well. 

Hari ini lagi kepengen bahas kuliner. Salah satu resolusi 2014 (yes, it's freaking last year!) adalah untuk mengunjungi lebih banyak tempat makan di Bali dan me-review-nya di sini. Pada kenyataannya, aku belum bekerja lebih keras untuk itu. So, di tahun 2015 ini, yang sudah berjalan sampai bulan kelima (WHAT?), I will try my best!