Music Love: PARTY - Girls' Generation (SNSD)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Totally my favorite summer (holiday) jam for whole month! The song lyrics describes perfectly how we feel (and crave some more!) about summer break, right? Let me know if you love this song as I do. Cheers! 

Eat in Bali: Home Mate

Saturday, July 25, 2015

We just finished our workout and decided to have a nice breakfast that day.

Tinggal di Bali selama hampir 2 tahun, aku jarang banget mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang sering di-mention orang di Instagram, atau sekarang lebih sering disebut dengan instagrammable places. Kebetulan kafe dan restoran yang disebut kebanyakan berlokasi di Seminyak dan kebetulan juga aku nggak tinggal jauh dari area sana, maka hari itu kami memutuskan untuk brunch date di salah satu kafe kecil yang direkomendasi oleh salah satu blogger, Rosalinda Tjioe.

Pantai Batu Bolong, Canggu

Friday, July 24, 2015

Nggak tau kenapa, holiday season tahun ini seru banget. Liat feed Instagram dan Path para teman juga seru-seru amat liburannya. Rame-rame nge-post #summerholiday, #familytrip #beachtime, pokoknya everything about summer holiday. Walaupun nggak bener-bener liburan (soalnya tinggal di Bali tuh every day is holidayyyy *truestory*), tapi aku tetap mengosongkan 1-2 hari untuk full day jalan-jalan ke tempat yang belum aku pernah kunjungi.

Bali Pulina Agro Tourism

Friday, July 17, 2015

Just arrived from our exciting holiday plan and decided to post this as soon as possible! This morning we headed to Ubud, for visiting Luwak coffee plantation. Pertama kali tau tempat ini dari postingan blog-nya Sonia Eryka, she mentioned a place that we can see the plantation of Luwak coffee and tasting different flavors of coffee, that sounds nice already! So here we go for our first experience in Bali Pulina Agro Tourism!

Jujur banget nih, salah satu alasan aku ke Pulina, is because this place is kinda popular on Instagram. Aku coba search pake hashtags #balipulina, #balipulinaagrowisata, dan hasilnya banyak banget foto kece di tkp tersebut! Aku pernah baca di majalah Cleo, mereka melakukan survei terhadap 100 responden wanita soal update liburan di medsos, ada 57% responden ingin mengunjungi tempat liburan yang sedang populer di media sosial. So, aku fixed korban medsos banget yaaa, hahaha.

100 Things I Am Grateful For

Monday, July 13, 2015

Credit to Pinterest
Today's post was inspired by my dear friend, Sastika. I made this kind of list before here and this is just another longer version. It feels good after finishing this list, I am kinda surprised because there are lots of little things should be grateful for. We sometimes might have a bad day, but it's not a bad life. Why judges a bad day as a bad life, right? These kind of little things help to brighten up our hard times.

Anyway, since it's Monday, I have to quoted one of my friends, Jessica, she wrote this last week on her Instagram caption and it's worthy to be shared: "I know today it's Monday and you assume it's going to suck, but according to statistics, there will be over 5,000 weddings, 10,000 childbirths, and 42 miliion hugs occuring today throughout the United States. There will be also 600 dogs adopted, 35,000 ballons sold, and 800,000 skittles eaten. Plus, the word "I love you" will be said over 9 miliion times. So again, I know today it's Monday and you assume it's going to suck, but just smile, because according to statistics, it should actually be a really nice day."

Have a great Monday anyone!

Books I Read Recently

Sunday, July 5, 2015

So here are some local books that I have read so far this year. As you can see, yes I have been reading fictions, MetroPop for a specific genre. I loveeee Ika Natassa! I purchased few of her books recently. Since I read Twivortiare 2, I was like, "Gue harus beli bukunya yang lain!"

Speaking of Ika Natassa, she published a new book called "Critical Eleven", which becomes so popular among her readers since she announced it from her Instagram. She opened pre-order for this new book last Wednesday, too bad I didn't get a copy ): Things gone mad during the book pre-order day. 1,111 copies of the book sold out in 11 minutes! Say whaaaat. Pantes aja, ya, disebut-sebut dengan pre-order berdarah, figuratively, of course. 

If you guys have a recommendation of good books, please let me know. Local or English both are fine. 

Anyway, I never shared this in public, this is one of my random short story that I wrote. I just found it in my writing folder and I was surprised knowing that I actually wrote this! Three pages long. I hope you enjoy it! 

*please don't take this without my permission. I beg you!

Style Love: Jessica Jung Airport Style

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Suatu hari, gue iseng browsing baju di salah satu online shop, kemudian ketemu baju lucu dan minta pendapat nyokap. Tau nggak dijawab apa? 

"Kamu bisa lihat baju bagus (maksudnya yang lagi on trend gitu), tapi sehari-hari cuma pake kaos dan celana jins gitu. Dandan dikit kek! Kamu tuh udah 23 lho, bukan 13!".