Striped Sunday

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Around three weeks ago, I spent a fine Sunday with my ladies (one of them came with a plus one!). We had Korean lunch kind a day at Dubujib PIK, chits and chats, good laughs, and left some space in our belly for desserts. There was a little accident happened with one of our lady, but... as a (real) good friend, we couldn't stop laughing on her (sorry!). Ya, sudalah. That's why we are friends to each other, right? ((: 

And oh, we "accidentally" wearing stripes!

Japan Travel Journal 06: Mount Fuji Trip

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Yes, people. I am still working on this not-so-honeymoon-again post. The good news is, there's another LAST post. Please bear with me! 

Passion Reminder

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

 Credit: Pinterest
"Passion is not a job, a sport or a hobby. It's the full force of your attention and energy that you give to whatever right in front of you." (Terri Trespicio on TEDxKC)

Pregnancy Journey: First Trimester (1-3 months)

Monday, March 7, 2016

I spilled the beans to fellow friends on Path already since my second appointment with the doctor. Banyak yang komentar kalau kami cepet banget hamilnya (padahal baru nikah empat bulan lalu), kami sendiri juga nggak expect bisa hamil secepat ini. Iya, sih, nggak ada acara nunda-nundaan, but we still surprised when we found out the two lines. Puji Tuhan ya langsung dipercaya punya anak (:

Sehari setelah test pack, besoknya kami langsung cek ke dokter. And guess what, ultrasound pertama memberitahu kami kalau bayi yang ada di rahim ini, udah umur lima minggu, udah sebulan! Aku agak syok. Karena berarti anak ini udah aku ajak Zumba tiap minggu dan minum kopi setiap hari. Pantes ya, terakhir kali Zumba kenapa ngos-ngosan banget, biasanya nggak. Well... there's a little life in my belly!

I'm already on my 14 weeks and it means I'm coming to second trimester! Sebagai pencapaian stage pertama, aku mau share pengalaman selama 3 bulan pertama kehamilan. Here we go! 

A Week At Home

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

I realized I haven't shared my week at Bali home, so here some recap that I can share with you. 

We visited back home right on Chinese New Year day. It always feels great every time we get chance to get home, especially since we got married.