25 October

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

So I'm officially 25, started yesterday. Yeaaay! Happy birthday to me! 

And beside of my birthday, we actually celebrated our first wedding anniversary too. Yes, from now on we will celebrate two occasions every year. 25 October will never be the same :D

Hubby surprised me with a tiramisu cake and 25 roses bouquet at midnight, right after I nursed Josh. I was asked what I wanted for my birthday. I only wanted a cake, because I really wanted to eat birthday cake. Is it only me or birthday cake always tastes so good? 

 Don't bother how the cake looks like. Aku comot pas tengah malam karena ngiler.

I thought a staycation before for celebrating the 25 Oct, but maybe it's not a really good idea since Josh is still so young (maybe next year!). So we went for simple dinner at Spatula and luckily the place was not full—since it's weekday—so we didn't bother to bring Josh's stroller. He was sleeping while we're enjoying our dinner. 

Their Thai Iced Tea surprisingly tastes so good. Must try!

Yeah, Josh didn't seem so impressed to take selfie, hahaha.

Dear us, 
So a year has passed, we made it! I know our life will be more exciting than ever, specially since a little cookie added to our little family. I feel thankful for our marriage, because I get chance every day to learn, to grow up, and to love. It's only one year for our marriage, but it's kinda surprised me that we have been known each other for 6 years already. And it feels funny because when we first started our relationship, you totally a stranger to me. But now, I stepped into "I miss you" phase almost every day, when you go for work. Sometimes I feel we are more best friend than husband and wife, but that's okay because we're best friend for lifetime, right? Thank you for always supporting me and thank you for being a "home" for me and Josh. Let's take our marriage and to the next level and let God always be our leader. Can't wait for experiencing another adventures with you. Cheers for us! 

And dear 25 myself, 
Now you are a wife for a year and a mom for two months. Usually in every birthday, I have longgg wishes and they sound like "I want to travel more", "I want start a new business", "I want to finish my book", and blah blah. Well I still want those things, but as for now, I thank God for everything I have today, this minute, this second. I thank God for my marriage, my baby, and my little family. I can solemnly say that I feel content. I'm satisfied and happy. I hope I will be better and better this year and of course enjoy life more with new blessings. Jia you, Jane!

Say A Little Prayer

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Postingan hari ini bukan bahas soal my Josh. It's about another Josh, anak dari seorang cici gereja di Jakarta dulu, sebut saja Ci Rin. We both and our family are pretty close anyway. Ci Rin ini udah kenal aku dari bocah sampe akhirnya punya bayi.

Sebenarnya udah lama banget kami nggak kontekan. Paling mentok komen-komen di sosmed. Kami ngobrol lagi sejak aku bertanya sesuatu (you know, ci :P), dan terus sampai aku lahiran. I've learned lots of things about baby and motherhood from her. Dan pas masa-masa baby blues (which was I didn't realize at first!), ci Rin lah yang banyak encourage aku juga. 

Beberapa minggu yang lalu, Mama ngabarin via WA, titip doa buat big Josh yang lagi sakit. Katanya pulang dari Bogor (abis jenguk baby Josh), Ci Rin noticed mata Josh agak bengkak. Sampe di sini aku kaget lah, kirain pulang dari Bogor bawa penyakit, kan. Eh ternyata, Josh emang sakit ): 

Cerita lengkap soal Josh, bisa dibaca langsung di blog pribadi Josh (written in English by his Mom, by the way. Tapi tenang aja, bahasanya simpel dan enak dibaca). Intinya, Josh didiagnosa Nephrotic Syndrome.

Nephrotic Syndrome adalah gangguan ginjal yang menyebabkan tubuh manusia kehilangan terlalu banyak protein di dalam urin. Biasanya terdeteksi pertama kali pada anak-anak usia 14 bulan-5 tahun. Buat yang pengen tau lebih detil, silakan gugeling langsung ya. I'm not good on explaining medical things. 

Josh ini anaknya super sweet, super adorable. Pertama kali ketemu, ya waktu mereka sekeluarga datang ke Bogor untuk jenguk baby Josh. Selama ini cuma gemes lewat foto-foto yang di-share Mamanya di Instagram. Ternyata aslinya beneran lucu, and he's so cheerful. Akunya gemes banget, dong, pas dia liat baby Josh and said, "Hai dede Josh...". Emesssh! 

Makanya pas tau Josh sakit, I was brokenhearted. Kok bisa, sih, penyakit 'berat' kayak gitu bisa kena anak selucu Josh? Dan yang bikin sedih, Josh is just a little boy, he doesn't have any idea that he's sick ):

Waktu aku baca blog yang ditulis Ci Rin, aku nangis. Emang, sih, aku nggak bisa ngerasain langsung apa yang Ci Rin rasain waktu Josh di rumah sakit itu. But now I am a mom, rasanya emang pedih kalo liat anak sakit. All you want to do is take all those pains away

Aku sendiri nggak pernah dengar sindrom nefrotik ini. To be really honest, aku dulu sama sekali apatis dengan jenis-jenis penyakit, khususnya yang menyerang wanita dan anak-anak. Apalagi jenis penyakit yang aneh dengan gejala yang aneh juga. Buat aku, kalau penyakit itu cuma menyerang 1 dari 9 orang, aku nggak akan terlalu kuatir kalo penyakit yang sama bakal (amit-amit) terjangkit sama keluarga dekat maupun diri sendiri. 

Lain cerita sejak punya anak. Pas Ci Rin cerita soal sindrom ini, tiba-tiba aku nggak lagi apatis. Aku langsung browsing tentang sindrom ini, dan coba belajar tentang gejala-gejalanya. Masih nggak begitu paham, sih. Emang bodor kalau soal penjelasan medis. Tapi setidaknya, aku jadi lebih aware dan lebih peduli sama kesehatan anak ke depannya.

Jadi buat kalian yang kebetulan atau sengaja baca postingan ini, it would be greatly appreciated if you guys send a little prayer to big Josh. Doa kalian nggak cuma untuk kesembuhan Josh, tapi juga menjadi support dan encourage untuk papa mama nya. 

And for those who wants to share related experiences or any information, you can drop an email to Josh's Mom here

Ciayo, Big Josh! Dede Josh can't wait to meet you again and maybe soon we can have a play date!

5 Lessons Before Hitting 25

Friday, October 14, 2016

I don't have 25 lessons before 25 list. Aku cuma punya 5 pelajaran hidup yang penting selama setahun belakangan ini. 

Cusss, apa aja itu?

Joshua Is Officially One Month

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Ternyata kalau udah punya anak, dikit-dikit yang ingin dibahas cuma tentang anak sendiri ya HAHAHA

Jadiii... Josh udah genap umur sebulan di bulan kemarin. YAY!