1. Spend your money wisely.
Jangan pake uang (papa mama) buat smoothing rambut, yang mana hasilnya pun bikin sebel. Sejumlah uang yang sama bisa dipakai untuk ke tempat yang belum pernah dikunjungi sebelumnya. Or maybe spend your money for good food. Because good food always work for you.
2. Go out more and experience things.
Jangan cuma duduk nonton drakor aja di dalam kamar. Jangan pernah nolak ajakan teman untuk pergi atau melakukan aktifitas yang belum pernah dicoba sebelumnya. A young soul always needs more adventure.
3. Don't stuck in your comfort zone, no matter how "comfortable" it is.
Dunia nggak selebar kamar asrama, dunia kampus atau komunitas gereja di mana kamu bertumbuh. In other words, dunia itu nggak selebar daun kelor. Banyak hal dan kesempatan yang nggak pernah kamu jumpai kalau hanya di dalam zona nyaman. Get out and go wild (but not too wild).
4. Grades doesn't matter, but studying is a must.
Most of the time, you regret the result because you didn't give your best while studying. But still I'm so proud of you for finishing that pages of thesis... in Mandarin! Good job!
5. Don't talk trash behind your friends.
You hurt yourself more by doing it. So don't.
6. Get a REAL job right away after you graduated.
Nggak usah pake alasan "pengen ngaso-ngaso dulu" atau "capek ah baru juga selesai kuliah". You MUST get a job right away. Send bunch of your applications. Apply for a job where you can learn more. You will regret that you might miss your favorite band concert because you don't have enough money to afford the ticket because you don't have a job (true story). Don't wait, get a real job, NOW.
7. Enjoy your own self, never compare yourself to others.
It doesn't matter how you look, how you dress, how you draw your eyeliner, how you think about certain things, how you do your home works... it's you and you do in your own way. We're all great and unique in our own way.
8. Set your priority right.
As a student, your priority is to study. Period.
As a student who takes extra piano course, your priority is to practice. Even if you have to spend more money to rent a studio for practicing (back to point number 1, spend your money wisely).
I'm so sorry that you failed on your royal exam back then. You failed in aural tests, your grades on scales and arpeggios are so-so. But, you still passed the theory exam, good for you! Maybe if you will ever get a chance to do it again (well, I don't know... I don't practice anymore in this moment..), you MUST practice harder!
9. Talk to your brothers.
Not just say regular "hi, how are you" on social media atau ngoceh-ngoceh di saat mereka berbuat salah dan menasehati panjang lebar tentang what you should or shouldn't do, just like a boring-big sister would do.
Take one day a week to spend the whole day with them. Make it a routine. Watch you guys favorite movies together, getting bubble tea and strolling the mall together, treat them a nice lunch/dinner, just have a chilly heart-to-heart talk. Create memories and have a great bonding time with them.
10. Always listen to Papa and Mama.
I know, I know. Sometimes they annoy you much and they always say "it's for you good", then you will shout back to them, "I know what's good for me!". We don't always agree with them, it's okay. But most of the time, when we feel lost and regret on something we shouldn't do, we finally realize that they're right. 听爸爸妈妈的话.
Jangan pake uang (papa mama) buat smoothing rambut, yang mana hasilnya pun bikin sebel. Sejumlah uang yang sama bisa dipakai untuk ke tempat yang belum pernah dikunjungi sebelumnya. Or maybe spend your money for good food. Because good food always work for you.
2. Go out more and experience things.
Jangan cuma duduk nonton drakor aja di dalam kamar. Jangan pernah nolak ajakan teman untuk pergi atau melakukan aktifitas yang belum pernah dicoba sebelumnya. A young soul always needs more adventure.
3. Don't stuck in your comfort zone, no matter how "comfortable" it is.
Dunia nggak selebar kamar asrama, dunia kampus atau komunitas gereja di mana kamu bertumbuh. In other words, dunia itu nggak selebar daun kelor. Banyak hal dan kesempatan yang nggak pernah kamu jumpai kalau hanya di dalam zona nyaman. Get out and go wild (but not too wild).
4. Grades doesn't matter, but studying is a must.
Most of the time, you regret the result because you didn't give your best while studying. But still I'm so proud of you for finishing that pages of thesis... in Mandarin! Good job!
5. Don't talk trash behind your friends.
You hurt yourself more by doing it. So don't.
6. Get a REAL job right away after you graduated.
Nggak usah pake alasan "pengen ngaso-ngaso dulu" atau "capek ah baru juga selesai kuliah". You MUST get a job right away. Send bunch of your applications. Apply for a job where you can learn more. You will regret that you might miss your favorite band concert because you don't have enough money to afford the ticket because you don't have a job (true story). Don't wait, get a real job, NOW.
7. Enjoy your own self, never compare yourself to others.
It doesn't matter how you look, how you dress, how you draw your eyeliner, how you think about certain things, how you do your home works... it's you and you do in your own way. We're all great and unique in our own way.
8. Set your priority right.
As a student, your priority is to study. Period.
As a student who takes extra piano course, your priority is to practice. Even if you have to spend more money to rent a studio for practicing (back to point number 1, spend your money wisely).
I'm so sorry that you failed on your royal exam back then. You failed in aural tests, your grades on scales and arpeggios are so-so. But, you still passed the theory exam, good for you! Maybe if you will ever get a chance to do it again (well, I don't know... I don't practice anymore in this moment..), you MUST practice harder!
9. Talk to your brothers.
Not just say regular "hi, how are you" on social media atau ngoceh-ngoceh di saat mereka berbuat salah dan menasehati panjang lebar tentang what you should or shouldn't do, just like a boring-big sister would do.
Take one day a week to spend the whole day with them. Make it a routine. Watch you guys favorite movies together, getting bubble tea and strolling the mall together, treat them a nice lunch/dinner, just have a chilly heart-to-heart talk. Create memories and have a great bonding time with them.
10. Always listen to Papa and Mama.
I know, I know. Sometimes they annoy you much and they always say "it's for you good", then you will shout back to them, "I know what's good for me!". We don't always agree with them, it's okay. But most of the time, when we feel lost and regret on something we shouldn't do, we finally realize that they're right. 听爸爸妈妈的话.
Setuju banget, mba. Rasanya hal-hal di atas juga yg ingin sya bilang kalau bisa ngobrol sama saya dari masa lalu :D
ReplyDeleteIyaa. Ada sedikit penyesalan sebenernya, tapi biar jadi pembelajaran aja yaa di masa depan... buat anak2 misalnya hahaha :D
DeleteJane, iya loh, setelah sekarang jadi ibu dan istri yang ga bebas kemana2, suka agak menyesal waktu single ga lebih sering jalan2 melihat dunia (ato melihat indonesia minimal haha). Trus juga sedikit menyesal ga lebih bijak dalam memilih kerjaan pertama, Kalau dulu kerja (-atau minimal coba utk apply) di konsultan ternama, mngkn saat ini ceritanya beda hehe. Ah jadi pengen nulis jg soal ini
ReplyDeleteIya banget ci. Tiap kali aku ngomong soal ini ke suami, doi cuma bilang nggak usah menyesal karena percuma. Mendingan mikirin aja sekarang bisa ngapain supaya di masa depan nggak nyesel lagi. Suami bijak hahaha. Semangat buat kita para emak!
Deleteyang no 1 berasa banget, kayaknya dulu suka buang2 uang untuk hal yang ga penting2 amat... sekarang baru berasa setelah punya keluarga sendiri... dan jadinya agak menyesal, seandainya dulu ga boros2 amat, pasti uda punya tabungan banyak hahahaha...
ReplyDeleteHahahaha makanya sekarang udah jadi mama lumayan udah bisa ngerem pengeluaran. Paling bawel kalo soal keuangan keluarga, hihi
Deletehuhuhuuhu >< kak but nomor 2 itu susah banget. Aku bukan tipe orang yg suka ngobrol, suka haha hehe. aku itu super awkward sama orang lain. even temen deketku kadang2 aja aku masi suka males ketemuan, ngobrol. ahhaha parah banget yah :( tapi bukannya aku aneh or apa, hanya saja cape ngeladenin orang. bosan. aku tahu, itu harus dilawan, tapi kadang2 rasanya jadi terpaksa. jadi merasa bersalah sendiri.
ReplyDeletetapi, di satu titik, habis ketemu mereka, jadi merasa bersyukur, jadi refresh lagi, jadi seneng, masih punya teman yang mau peduli sama aku, walaupun mereka tahu aku gak suka ketemu2an, tapi masih suka diajakin ketemuan. hahaha. #duhjadicurcol
Eh sama lho, dulu aku juga ngelewatin masa-masa males berkomunikasi sama orang. Tapi ungkapan "don't stay in your own bubble" itu bener banget. Kita tetep harus maksain diri bersosialisasi. Seringnya, kalau ngumpul sama temen-temen yang "tepat", yang kamu bilang bener tuh, udahannya berasa dicas lagi, jadi seger :D